japanese dramaxiaoyuan is 26 years old and is working as an intern doctor!
japanese dramathis work is adapted from "koyuan is 26 years old and is an intern doctor" by mizutani ryu! 》《be an intern doctor in a panic. 》《i am an intern doctor on the offshore island. 》the protagonist of "doctors want happiness too!" the intern doctor faces the "intern doctor is a guest at the medical scene that is constantly changing due to the reform of linghe's working style.
this drama takes the fire department's communication command center as a stage and depicts the "reality" of command dispatchers standing on the "front line" that uses a telephone to maintain life. instruct the dispatchers to respond to emergency notifications and issue appropriate ambulance and fire truck dispatch instructions. they are a group of fire fighting and first aid experts with various skills.
this drama is adapted from a comic of the same name written by reiko kiyomizu. it takes the ninth research office of the forensic medical institute of science police, commonly known as the "ninth" as the stage, using special