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you from the future aaa。而在同一间事务所的另一位大状刘思杰(陈展鹏饰)却是截然不同的作风,做事不拘小节,有时为了伸张正义,甚至不惜踩线。刘思杰的好友卓少谦(黄浩然饰)家庭富有,为人重义气,做事散漫,做律师的初衷不过是为了一个光鲜的职业。还有正义憨厚的韦文瀚(阮兆祥饰)、不谙世事的见习律师潘巧如(唐诗咏饰)、精灵事故的事务律师毛敬业(黎诺懿饰)……这些来自不同阶层的人在一起,遇到许多棘手的案件——弑父案、强奸案、杀警案、买凶案等,真相是什么?是不是真有非黑即白的世界?《真相》由香港电视广播有限公司出品,于2011年7月上映首播。
a network software called "rude cube game" was invaded by a network virus, seducing gamers to play in the "game world" and the real world, and taking four cases with internal connections and independent individuals as the introduction. the rubik's cube game is used as a clue throughout, and finally solving the mystery.