a xiao (jiangtao played),ade (lüjuandecoration)andopenliang (qiu shi'sdecoration)it was the streethead basketballfieldfrequent visitors, but for their own reasonstemporarylet go of your heartlikeofbasketball job ddd。 until once, the largest in hong konglearn basketballballteam B come on the teamarrive at the clubsweep the area.byfuneralwave(zhang jicong played bythe neighbors in the first place are unwilling to acceptbasketballfieldbeing dominated, so i went to himwemake a choicewar.three sonsdeath on the spotthe invitation of the wavepleasesame neighborhoodwestage onefield pairanti-competition.mostendcombining the power of the three people andfuneralwavetactics,willbasketballteam strikeretreat, successfully save the ballfield. victoriouscheng geng was put onnet,one nightbetweenbecomeforin the citytopic.biglearn basketballballteam A team captain (chenzhuovirtuous ornaments)learn about the ballthe team is miserablebeing a neighborbeat,i feel unwillingbringsame asselectballmemberstep onfieldbefore a snowshame.noodlerightjustbasketballballteam ofenterattack, three sonswith the mourningwavefailedland,both sides aremake a vow to save faceabout 6weekbackagaindecisive battle.doforteachpracticeoffuneralbola's three sonstraining,and look forcomeguangzai (guo jiajun ornaments)andpig run (beamindustry decoration)join the ballteam.existfuneralwaveleadnext, five-manteam pickwarall across hong kongdistrictstreetthe field graduallybecomeforhaveorganizethe correctbasketballballteam.
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