during the yongzheng period of the qing dynasty, someone was waiting for fun during the mourning period of the important officials. the fourth prince hongli (played by he shengming) came to yichun villa in fengyue place to investigate and found that wu wenbin was assassinated and his jewelry was lost. bbb。 hongli investigated and dealt with several officials who came to seek pleasure, and secretly visited the assassin, and finally found out that the killer was saidi chan. sai's original name is song tiantian (played by jiang mengjie), and is the adopted daughter of song zhiyong (played by wu dairong), the leader of the huaiyang salt gang. she had an irresistible hatred with wu wenbin. wu confiscated their whole family back then, but she survived because she was not at home. song tiantian fell into a trap set by the government, and hongli took action to rescue him. the trap was set by hongshi (played by li tai). yongzheng was not aware of it. he wanted hongli to solve the case within one day. witness chen liu died of anger after eating the dumplings given by eunuch su (played by ren xuehai). all this was not hidden from hongli's eyes. the next day, he reported to yongzheng about the case and put forward his own opinions. hongshi took the opportunity to attack hongli. when yongzheng heard that hongli was going to let his eighth uncle come to beijing, he immediately vomited blood...
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