1942in 2018, the japanese invaders carried out a may day sweep in the central hebei plain area of our country, which implemented the policy of "killing, burning, and robbing" and bloody storms everywhere. the anti-japanese forces in the central hebei plain and even cangzhou were severely damaged, and the enemy was more cunning and fiercer than before. eee。 the armed forces behind enemy lines were formed under the instructions of superiors, and the leader was wei qiang, the backbone of the guerrillas who had just come down from taihang mountain. at this moment, the hebei plain is an angry land and a weeping plain. how to identify the enemy and integrate strength is the primary problem faced by the armed forces. the main opponent of the armed forces team was liu kuisheng, the leader of the puppet army. the reason for his success was that the county brigade once rested in a fortress through the urine traces left on the courtyard wall. this family was destroyed in such a way, and the cruelty of the struggle was evident. passing the blockade with a gun is a test, rescuing the arrested district committee member wang xia is a test, making medicines and medical equipment is a test, and transporting the wounded personnel of the eighth route army through the enemy-occupied area is even more test... the military worker team members are constantly gathering - live map zhao qingtian, the lone hero liu taisheng, the "big master" xin fengming, the versatile jia zheng, and li dongshan who travels around the world are in place one after another. they have completed every task well, which has also caused the struggle of chinese farmers at all...
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