muzafa (jose garcia, a small central asian country, tabristan JoséGarcia played by fruze (michael young) MichaëlYoun ornaments) was originally a shepherd who was invincible with the world... but because the people elected by the people in power were very dissatisfied with france's reputation for stealing the country's salad, they immediately had the fanaticism of arranging terrorists to attack the eiffel tower to attract world attention. so muzhafa and fruze joined the training camp, completed various studies and broke through many tests, and were elected as terrorists who carried out suicide attacks to bring glory to the country. but the two's trip to france was full of variables. when they were preparing for the hijacking, they landed on corsica because of the airport ground crew strike. they then had close contact with independent elements, southern thugs, and strikers. they also experienced medical accidents and threats from their own ministers. with the help of a kind female reporter, they finally embarked on their journey to paris... bbb
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