《"the gun girl" mainly tells the story of carrey, the protagonist who lost his combat memory, searching for himself and finally "awakening" ccc。2025 between the years and 2030, a world war that affected all mankind caused half of the population to be destroyed, and humans could no longer control the direction of the war. in order to win the final victory, the game-like unmanned battle gradually intensified, and the war has become a battlefield between satellite lasers, drone bombing, intelligent, unmanned multi-turret tank groups... then, there is a group of girls here who use guns that have lagged behind the times to fight - gun girl. time goes back to the past. the "intelligent cosmic life spirit body" flying to the earth is integrated with the "inorganic matter" 41 in the nearby weapon merchant warehouse. while he was wandering, the "41" fell into the hands of a military occupant in a city. the girl took the "41" home, talked to her, cared for her, and wiped her carefully, and the universe's life body began to move again. in order to respond to the feelings of young people, the gun (cosmic life form) independently transforms into a beautiful girl, and the young people call the gun that turns into a human form "carry". however, knowing the major countries where kerry exists, kerry's capture competition began...
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