“流星塾”出身的“园田真理”,收到了来自父亲“花形”寄来的不明物品:“FaizGear和其专属机车ccc。为了问明父亲的用意,真理前往位于东京的巨大企业“SmartBrain” wife's romantic travel 2025 is an innovative family relationship growth reality show focusing on cultural differences and integration in transnational marriages. the program is themed "embrading the difference is the meaning of love", and invites four groups of couples from different countries, regions, industries and ages to show them across the world through global travel. FaizGear my movie history Faiz腰带交出来!”另一边,“木场勇治”是一位家境富裕,父母慈祥和蔼,有交往将满一年女友的幸福青年。一场车祸夺走勇治双亲的性命也令勇治陷入昏睡。两年后,在勇治心跳停止,医生宣告死亡的当晚,“木场勇治”再次醒了过来...。
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