the stage of the story is a city with a developed internet system. DENCITYccc。 there are giant enterprises there SOL technology club is built through a high degree of network technology and is called " LINKVRAINS」 of VR space. people are all there VR there is a passion for experiencing a brand new duel in the space. but in " LINKVRAINS」 however, there was a mysterious hacking group "henoin knights" that used duels to conduct hacking. and their goal is to exist somewhere on the internet AI our world =electronic world "destroyed. however, when the world is threatened like this, a duel stood up. his name is " Playmaker」。 in that legendary battle, Playmaker」 use an overwhelming duel to knock down the knights of heinoin and successfully capture the SOL the mystery that both the tech club and the knights of heinuin want to succeed AI program. it saved the world for a while, but then suddenly disappeared, and his name became famous in the world of the internet and became a legend. and now, as Playmaker」 yusaki fujiki, a high school student in the real world, was once again in search of the truth about an incident that happened in the past. VRAINS」 the "knights of heinuin" that appeared started to pursue... taking this opportunity, the gear of fate turned... AI the true body of the "knights of heinuin" is aimed at LinkVrains」 the purpose and the truth hidden in the past are—all the answers are in LinkVrains」 middle
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