in 201 ad, liu bang (played by lu liangwei) defeated xiang yu, the king of western chu, and established the great han king. bbb。 however, the different surnames and kings were reborn, and the great deeds were separated. emperor gaozu's armor had not retreated. he successively wiped out the forces of founding heroes such as zang tu, han xin (zhang guangbei), ying bu, and peng yue, and to a certain extent blocked the huns' momentum of advancing south. emperor gaozu died, and the kind and cowardly emperor hui of han liu ying (played by zhang di), died early. then the cruel and ruthless empress lu (played by wang ji) opened the curtain of the dictatorship of the lü family. at the critical moment, famous generals such as zhou bo (played by li qingxiang), cao shen (played by xu min) turned the tide, slaughtered all the lions, and welcomed the emperor liu heng (played by liu mu) to become the emperor, which led to the later rule of wen and jing. after this, emperor jing of han experienced the seven kingdoms rebellion initiated by king wu, while emperor wu of han brought the dynasty into a turbulent period of military and military turbulent times. famous ministers and generals such as chao cuo, zhufu yan, li guangli, wei qing, huo qubing, huo qubing, gongsun he, gongsun hong appeared one after another, singing the grand and heroic song of the wind together...
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