Brassic: from cockney slang boraciclint(boric acid cotton )the pronunciation of a person is penniless and poor - "the sound of a poor egg hitting the bench". "poor eggs" focuses on an inseparable lancashire theft gang-winny (Vinnie, joseph gilgen ),dylan (Dylan, damien moloney ),cardi /heart pause (Cardi, tom henson ),ashe (Ash, aaron heffernan ),tang mo (Tommo, ryan sanpsson )and JJ(pas seckler )——although they have always lived a life of ignoring the rules and being careless, these guys are about to taste the bitter fruits of their arrogant crimes. at the same time, dylan repeatedly made his girlfriend erin (Erin, michelle keegan )disappointment caused him to move elsewhere to seek a better life for himself and his children, which made dylan have to make the most difficult choice in his life between his girlfriend and his gay friend. eee
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