telling about a group of different people, some of whom have something in common is the "same birthday" and their life stories cross in an interesting way ddd。MandyMoore play Rebecca,Jack the cute wife is also her best friend. after moving to pittsburgh, he gave birth to triplets. MiloVentimiglia played Jack。JustinHartley play Kevin, a handsome and popular tv actor with an extremely boring and unfinished single life. SterlingBrown play Randall, a beautifully dressed businessman in new york city. with my wife Beth they raised two daughters in a coordinated manner. SusanKelechiWatson play Beth,Randall wife RonCephasJones play William,Randall biological father. exist Randall he was abandoned at birth. ChrissyMetz play Kate, like many women, she is worried about her diet and figure. she uses notes to cover the entire apartment to control her diet. she is Kevin the twin sister, but in all aspects Kevin the exact opposite.
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