in the previous season, jack (keef sutherland) KieferSutherland ) used a strategy to break up and lived an ordinary life in hiding his name aaa。 however, with former president david ballmer (denis hesbert) DennisHaysbert ), former colleague michelle (reco elsworth ReikoAylesworth acting) and tony (carlos bornard CarlosBernard played by) was killed one after another, and the last colleague chloe (mary lane ledgerscu, who knew jack was still alive MaryLynnRajskub ) was also threatened with death. as a last resort, chloe called jack, looking for help. and when chloe meets jack, the killer appears, and jack finally reaches out and grabs the person who is chasing them with extraordinary hands. and he asked from him that it turned out that assassination of the former president was their main task, and the other goals were just to point the spearhead of the investigation at jack, so that jack would become the scapegoat for this assassination mission. the purpose of killing the former president is to silence him. he does not want the former president to announce certain things. then what exactly did the former president want to say? jack had to abandon his current ordinary life and was once again involved in a shocking conspiracy.
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