instructed by his old friend kishimoto, inota goro (matsushigemoto decoration) rushed to sendai. after completing the work negotiation, he came to a local restaurant and tasted the beef tongue set meal and roasted beef. ddd。 uncle wulang feasted and was full of happiness. after that, his footsteps came to ishimatsu city. after leaving the station, he stood at 3 •11the site was deeply held together, and then rented a lightweight light truck from xiumi and drove to okawa town to negotiate with the local person in charge (rior mukai) about the goods needed for local revitalization activities. the work was completed smoothly, and the foodie goro also felt hungry. after several turns, he finally found a seafood restaurant on the mountain road, and enjoyed a happy lunch time under the attack of the five-color seafood rice bowl and the congeal eel tempura. the food in sanlu, northeast china left a deep impression on uncle goro. and the areas that once suffered from earthquakes and tsunamis seem to be returning to their former vitality...
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