new animation of the 10th anniversary of the wonderful series "watch the real thing! ”the trailer visual image has been released, and this game will be broadcast on tokyo tv in october 2021! PV link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fg41137gLSTAFF: original:takara tomy arts /shinsophiasupervisor: satosuresupervisor: hiro kobayashiauxiliarydirector director: ParkChiMan series composition: fumi tsukida's original character case: yumi rimoto (shinsophia)character design: todasayaka CG director: yobe shinhiro music: mizutani hokki sound supervision:longqie yeon animation production: dragon son studio /DongwooA&ECAST: positivebinofestival:widechina semyam:koikeri eee
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