rush縄in転校did中村照秋((terru) is同the class喜屋武san好i was curious. with thisdreamof高校生活but始circle…! and思i'm彼女oftalksuuchi naguchi (方言)it's refreshing理解i can't do it! ! that彼女of方言of訳i'll do it
平凡a salaryman安海政of妖魔from守protectionto do it,居候of条件in主従契aboutofknotis it天才kuno一・出浦白津莉。颯爽and妖魔of倒vinegar姿what isinside腹and, the spelling is a game三昧he was a nerd neet.政in甘being derided and lazy同
「抜i'll do it! ” ――赤魔道士yuk is啖呵of切that's 5年between在籍did A ranked party "thunderpike"leave脱did.彼teeth,他from members ofpass小comments価、否、for being made fun of耐i can't stop, and finally
容姿端korea!style抜群!川井mona is息be popular as if to do女!!but that彼女insee向i don't even feel sorry転校生・黒岩medaka's登fieldand mona's学校生活teeth一変do! "今i was cheered up all the time生it's coming!!
小学4年生of主人公「星部wataru is a superstar目指surutuber.different世界「宙部界("it's so cute."舞台to the final boss, enjoda倒wataru blocks to make itcreationdid魔神(machine) "dragon神丸」and
全人kindit was meow! ? "次manga大reward 2023 WEB manga部door 2位」of受rewarddidtopicof SNS manga, finally TV anime化!please普通i was a salaryman at日突然、to the cat転生the man who's done it.人