temple fairmiddle,playthe shed is exquisitelivelythe singerplay,onefield"finger bellyformarriedplay, let the playhongcha with big belly in the audiencewith fullfootinspirationonemove,juststudyget upplayson,for twohuman bellyinsidethe child's fingertipsformarriage,orderget offend aaa。 fullthe husband of zhuo pixiong and hong cha's husband zhuo youchun are oneright fromsmallfightbig enemy! at firsttwopeople don't agreethisfinger bellyforthe marriage is the mostbackinlongbo'spoleforcepersuadeunder,nonenaidi answeranswerdowncome.children are looking forward tobirthborn, fullfull lifeindivualfemalesonzhaodi, hongchashenga strongding tianshuo, since thentwohomerelativehomelong-term relativehome shortcutssayokseveralyear! nextseveralyearwhenchinese, hongchacontinuebornindivualboy tianbao, fullhave a full birthindivuala daughter welcomes my brother. zhuo youchunhourshow off his birthtwo childrenson,thismakeevenborntwofemalesonthe thick skin ambition was very depressed, especially zhao's legs for some reasonhurt,zhuo youchun regrets his marriage, but he does not accept itrecognize twohome finger bellyformarriagereality,thick skinned maleandzhuo youchun is even morefuriouscan't get itopenpay! thick skinned maleandzhuo youchun's rebellion is the most direct victim of the childwe!god sendandzhaodi's relationship is blocked.twopeople are forced to partopen,wed each other! tianbaoandi welcome my brother, tooparentsthe grudges ofnonelawknotcombine! thushairbornmaymany accidents. the happiness that was originally available was due to the previous generationnoneknowcompare with thenot onlyweiwuyes, it even caused sadnessdrama!bookalthough the dramawith joydramathe way to presentnow,but there is a smiletears, tearsthere is enlightenment in it, and there is gain in it, which makes people think deeply!
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