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episode 04 Gamma星云第58号行星“K隆星”的人,不,更准确的说应该是“蛙”。5蛙先遣小部队来蓝星做取样调查,结果队长keroro军曹行踪败露,被蓝星人日向一家发现并活捉,侵略利器“Kero球”也落到了弟弟日向冬树手里。而大本营侵略飞船见情况不妙,便仓皇逃离。留下了先遣部队5蛙组散落在蓝星,等待后续商讨。无依无靠的keroro qian is a painter. he is still nameless after ten years of his debut. he has been urging him to do so, so he never gave up. gallery owner zhihao is qian's friend. qian's old work is regarded as the "pearl of the sea" by hao. after being widely promoted by hao, qian finally tasted the taste of fame. this painting ling qian recalls shen yue, who had a warm relationship 18 years ago. the more suddenly he appeared, he threatened to expose qian's evil deeds of stealing paintings! in order to continue the "stolen" achievements, qian asks for help; in order to make a living, the more he accepts the conditions offered by qian. after many contacts, the relationship between the two has heated up. ting and hao have an extramarital affair. when they want to end and repair the relationship between husband and wife, they find that qian has an affair. ting found a private detective to investigate qian, followed the clues to find a commercial building. during this time, she was attacked by a mysterious person. she fell from the rooftop and lay in a pool of blood. she was shocked to know that the mysterious person in front of her was actually... keroro背地里建起了小基地,也在积极联系散落在各地的其它伙伴。其它成员也慢慢现出真身,小部队能达成他们的心愿,攻陷地球么?地球的命运会如何?敬请收看《K隆星大战蓝星》,又名《外星人在地球的幸福生活》ccc
shao zhanpeng