tiandi village is located in the hinterland of daliang mountain. due to geographical location, it has been in deep poverty for a long time. it is the most difficult main battlefield for poverty alleviation in the country. bbb。2017 in 2019, under the inspiration of chen yi, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, the doctor wan yue went to tiandi village to serve as the first secretary after organizational assessment, hoping to bring real changes to one land. when she first arrived at tiandi village surrounded by soma flowers in the mountains, she was very uncomfortable. her usual logical and rational style was that when the villagers who valued human feelings were met, they were bound by the harsh living environment and backward cultural customs, the progress of poverty alleviation work had little effect. with the help of the village party secretary ayi, the two broadened their minds and led the villagers to carry out high-value-added planting and breeding projects during the collision and running-in. chen yi proposed specific ideas for targeted poverty alleviation in tiandi village. ajia, who designed and improved yi clothes, became a model for women to find flexible home employment. azhi, who graduated from a normal school, took on the task of controlling dropouts and ensuring schooling, and firmly devoted himself to his beloved education cause. chen yi, wan yue and the yi girls took root in the barren land deep in liangshan and bloomed into golden soma flowers.
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