《rogue reading club is adapted from a popular online comic of the same name. the story tells the story of a young man, "yin zaimin" (played by huang minhyun). although he wants to study hard, he can only focus on fighting. he will be the most important thing in the country. a passionate story about forming a study group in high school to prepare for the college entrance examination. ddd it is based on the background of south korea's "tv station exploration and reporting bureau" based on investigative news. telling about a sense of justice NO.1( this site only provides B机器人之谜大公开(仍色子)三十话冲出去新必杀绝技(摔跤对决)三十一巨大机器来袭(拔河对决)三十二很厉害哦!卡布达巨人对决!(拔河对决)三十三功夫熟练鲜红裁判的精神!(相扑对决)三十四刁婆婆的亲情战争(打扑克)三十五B机器人秋季运动大会(混合)三十六歌唱大赛全员集合(卡拉OK大奖赛)三十七推理名家KT的秘密(卡片收集)三十八狂奔!!劳动节(格斗淘汰赛)三十九青蛙忍法冬眠术(“木头人”比赛)四十话捧腹大笑高尔夫对抗赛(高尔夫)四十一仿冒卡布达出现(消火活动)四十二北京猿人大骚动(推铅球)四十三大小姐的抽奖必胜法(年糕制作赛)四十四恭贺新禧新春杯风筝大赛(放风筝比赛)四十五人情时光隧道(羽毛毽子对决)四十六飞翔机与病魔搏斗(棒球对决)四十七难题怪题机智问答(猜谜)四十八驱邪招福(捉迷藏)四十九小让直线上升到东大(哈哈笑比赛)五十话巧克力代表男人纯纯的爱(写情书)五十一裁判机器人令人惊讶的正身(滑冰)五十二(完)只要心中有友情(橄榄球对决)
choice: women's war