the frankenstein people we love are back! on september 27, 2012, the highly anticipated "big bang them season 6" finally started broadcasting on american tv. in this season, the four geniuses still live their relaxed and hilarious home life. at the same time, more difficulties and difficulties need to be faced and solved by them. at the end of last season, howard (simon herberger) SimonHelberg bernadette (melissa raucci MelissaRauch (played by) finally completed their marriage. in this season, can they live peacefully under the same roof as howard's hot mother? reinard (johnny gaelkech) JohnnyGalecki played by) and penny (kelly cuoco KaleyCuoco the relationship is rekindled, and they still face the old problems that once led to their breakup. raja (qunau neyah KunalNayyar sheldon (jim parsons) is still alone JimParsons amy (maim •bylic MayimBialik is there really no problem with a relationship with you? anyway, the geniuses are back, and the happy life continues bbb
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