《game of thrones is a tv series with a medieval epic fantasy theme. the play is made by american writer george R·R· martin's fantasy masterpiece "song of ice and fire" is based on the seven-part work. ed stark (shawn bin SeanBean after his death, his subordinates supported his eldest son robb stark (richard madden RichardMadden (played by) is the king of the northern border. the northern army led by robb stark and lannister were confronted by each other, while lanli's southern army continued to drive towards the king's land, as well as the unknown stannis and the people of the iron islands above the black sea in the northwest. the night watchmen guarding the northern border fought against the barbarians abroad. daenerys, mother of dragons (emelia clarke) EmiliaClarke ) carlasa, composed of old, weak and remnants, follows the trajectory of the comet, travels through the vast vast vast world, and heads towards the distant and vague cause of restoration. as winter is approaching, cold wind is gradually rising, what kind of song of ice and fire will be played in this continent again... ddd
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