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liang jingqi德本善信 高岛大辅 seasons can be divided into spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the same is true for love. this drama is divided into four parts according to seasons and tells four stories. the changes of the four seasons are intimately in line with the spring, summer, autumn and winter in love. "chapter of spring" tells the story of the freight company's boss and driver lin chunfen (played by liang jingqi) and popular idol shi chen (played by luo zhongqian).. 宫西哲也
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liang jingqi神保昌登
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liang jingqi柿本广大 it's all right 牧野友映 笔坂明规 netizen comments 浅见松雄 工藤宽显 小林孝志 福井洋平 白石道太 of course no exception. the story is not only family, 山内东生雄
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