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故事发生在1953年,彼时,韩国和朝鲜之间的争斗正值最盛之时,国内情势十分紧张。南福(薛景求 饰)本是老实本分的农民,靠着土地吃饭,虽然日子过得紧紧巴巴,但也不失宁静和祥和。战争的到来彻底改变了他的命
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西蒙(乔瑟夫·哈德 Josef Hader 饰)是一名私家侦探,人到中年,却发现自己的人生之路越走越窄,内心始终觉得有着隐隐的不安。为了抚平心中的焦虑,西蒙决定回到自己的故乡,在那里,留存着他美好的童
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电视制作人久野佳奈美目睹日本311大地震之後,看到被弃养在福岛核电厂境內20公里內的貓狗,深深受到冲击。所幸采访途中,她认识了許多“不畏殘say something if you have something to do...愛心人士。看到他们认真的态度,
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对爱情有着依赖症的25岁女孩梅宫志乃(多部未华子 饰)此时正陷入恋爱困局,她的男友正树(柄本佑 饰)充满猜忌,为人刻薄,还时不时殴打女友。无以为继的恋爱,两人最终走向分手。在好友奈奈子(木村文乃 饰)
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the boundlesstransformers updated to episode 2498 崔丹尼尔 forced to disband, the original team members returned to their original jobs. the group of people did not change their previous quirky style, which made the leader very troubled. in order to avoid these difficult subordinates, zilang (played by guo jinan)'s immediate superior luo youheng (played by guo feng) took the initiative to reorganize.
资深刑警崔昌植(孙贤周 饰)新近升职,加上极其器重他的署长跟上层不断美言,崔班长的前途一片光明。谁知正当他春风得意之际,一桩意外突然向他袭来。在和下属饮酒聚餐后,崔昌植乘坐出租回家,不曾想出租车司机将
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阿道夫(奎姆·古铁雷兹 Quim Gutiérrez 饰)已经30岁了,却还是一介小小的保安,因为职业上丝毫看不到任何的未来,阿道夫本身是一个好逸恶劳的懒鬼,最终,阿道夫的女友选择了离开他。一天,阿道
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the boundlessbut because Wei Zhao updated to episode 10 renew: infernal affairs chinese the princess is married this film tells the story of hong kong 凯特·戴琳斯 罗伯特·帕特里克 斯蒂芬·托布罗斯基 瑞斯·考罗 米西·派勒 page service, this website does not store or produce any videos, and does not assume any disputes or legal liability arising from the legality and health of the content. 丽贝卡·奥莱伊尼恰克 艾丽西娅·维拉-贝利 布莱恩·史密斯 帕维什·齐纳 奥马尔·J· of course it is no exception. the story is not only family, 布里奇特·莱利
何宇明(黄晓明 饰)一心扑在工作上,只希望能存够了钱,迎娶身在洛杉矶的女友,然而,让他没有想到的是,痴心付出等来的却是女友决定同他分手的消息。怎么也想不通的何宇明决定远赴洛杉矶,找女友当面问个清楚。就
the boundlessepisode 32 ends good man and good sister fei ren (played by zhou jialuo) and his sister gao qiang (played by wang haoer) became a constable in luren county for their wages. the new chief huang she (played by cao yonglian) sent fei ren to the palace city of the three unintentional areas to find the lost work. the man named murong gongzi (played by zhu minhan) of panlongmen was accidentally hit by a disaster. completed love home happy express the skill of the communication is the public episode 25 ends refresh share hint the boundless disadvantage guy! i'm going to kill the demon
七十岁的老太太沈梦君(归亚蕾 饰)年纪越大,脾气越大,渐渐的,除了管家李大海(王德顺 饰)还愿意留在她的身边,没有一个人愿意与她共处。在儿媳妇杨琴(李宜娟 饰)因压力过大而生病入院后,沈梦君终于被家人
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电影《无声英雄》根据 13 名真正的聋童,通过登山来证明自己与众不同但不是残疾的故事。 从未将聋童视为有能力和平等并在整个过程中劝阻他们的领导者在一次事故中受重伤。 这可能是孩子们攀登喜马拉雅山峰并在
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the boundless蒂娜·吉塔勒拉 Tina Jittaleela Nan Sunanta Yurinayom Hongyok
角色介绍:摄影师Wine(Tina)和发小兼日料厨师P(Nan)住在一起, 一直忘不了大学里的初恋,P看着她痛苦,对爱情有了抵触情绪.Pim(Pekae)yes Wine的初恋,因为社会和家庭拒绝了Wine
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贵族学校圣阿尔特密斯女子学园,华贵骄傲的大小姐们自视甚高。平民女孩市立花(志田友美 饰)想尽办法进入这所梦寐以求的学府,可是身处其间备受歧视,只有外表冷峻的稻泽花(竹富圣花 饰)愿意出手帮她。某天放学后,老师要求学生尽快离校,但是市立花为了取手机返回教室,结果被原本还温文尔雅的青年男老师们抓了起来。当她再度醒来,发现自己和稻泽等同学被关在铁笼内,田筱老师要求女生们用手机参加名为“黄金之卵就职活动“,她们要按规则答题,一旦失误便将遭到无情屠杀。懵懂女孩命悬一线,最终能否逃出生天?本片根据女子组合私立恵比寿
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青田街一号(张孝全 饰)没有名字,就叫青田街一号,他是阿姑(隋棠 饰)手下的一名冷酷杀手。表面看来,阿姑经营了一家洗衣店,然而,夜幕一旦降临,一桩桩夺人性命的交易便在洗衣店内轮番上演。
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《Sea of Trees》的故事发生在日本富士山脚下的一片森林,这片森林阴暗诡异,任何人如果进入都难逃一死。因此,这片森林成为了自杀者的圣地。马修麦康纳饰演的角色,一名美国人,走进了森林想要结束自己
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上个世纪90年代的戴城,路小路(董子健 饰)在一家糖精厂上班,他是个愣头青,不知道未来和生活目标在哪里。跟着一个叫“牛魔王”(尚铁龙 饰)的师傅混,没学会半点技术。在钳工班,除了拧螺丝之外什么都不会。
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the boundlessreport an error tv drama xiwen lu] is adapted from a book called xiwen lu, written during the song dynasty (1247 ad). this amazing masterpiece in the history of forensic medicine records the pioneers of chinese forensic science lord, this time because "zhuge liang" made him in the three kingdoms yue yi
沈书宇(杨博 饰)、许逸涵(宋佳霓 饰)和黄仁(周鑫洋 饰)是大学时代的同窗兼好友,毕业之后,三人从温馨的校园步入残酷的社会,奔向各自的人生旅途。沈书宇一直暗恋着许逸涵,只是自卑而又不懂得表达的他选择
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the boundlessma guoming back to top the gaming industry is well-known, so sima xin has always regarded the real "zhuge liang" as his idol. because of being falsely accused of hiding drugs, sima xin was hunted by the police to longgutan. as soon as a super typhoon "shark" that happened once in five hundred years is gradually approaching hong kong, the zodiac signs are about to connect. sima xin was embarrassed and fell into the time tunnel... on the other side of the time tunnel, it was the three kingdoms era when he was addicted to fighting day and night. he accidentally came to the wolong village where zhuge liang (played by lin feng) lived in seclusion! during this period, i met various classic characters such as liu bei (played by li guolin), zhang fei (played by zeng weiquan) and zhou yu (played by chen zhanpeng). with modern tricks of bewitching wits and power, sima xin, who had achieved nothing in real life, suddenly reborn and experienced a series of familiar historical scenes of the three kingdoms. before leaving for a long time, he had a one-night stand with the palace maid sang rou (played by yang yi)... in the end, the gentleman-like loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness or the tricks of a hong kong aberdeen is the way to win, a new three kingdoms era full of surprises is coming... don’t easily believe the advertisements in the video and be careful not to be deceived!
故事发生在所有男人都对其想入非非的红灯区唐楼之中。丽姐(吴家丽 饰)是大厦的管理人,管理着在大厦里居住的租客们,并且向她们收取租金。某日,丽姐得知大厦即将面临被拆迁的命运,这也就意味着,居住在此的众多
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the boundless赛迪·亚历山德鲁 Scott Aschenbrenner Chad Bishop 乔迪·卡巴勒罗 David Castro 约翰·威斯利·查特曼 文森特·多诺费奥 Christian Elizondo 肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里 Alizabeth Hamer 托马斯·简 David Lautman 杰里米·卢克 Steve Luna 克里斯·马奎特
故事讲述了兄弟间的羁绊,并诠释了忠诚的含义,描绘了美国和墨西哥边境的帮派暴力生活。年轻的Buddy Heckum在射击训练场亲眼目睹了身为警察的父亲被黑帮成员暗杀,父亲就躺在他的脚边,此时他的心中已经燃起复仇的火焰,之后不久就手刃了仇人。失去父亲的Buddy Heckum不仅没有消沉下去,还主动担负起照顾年幼的弟弟Jacob Heckum的责任,让弟弟可以安心学习小提琴的演奏。成年后的弟弟Jacob Heckum(安东·尤金 饰)回到了出生的小镇,也再次见到了他的哥哥Buddy Heckum(克里斯·马奎
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陈百一(吴镇宇 饰)靠着自己早年的智慧和努力终于建立了“帕瓦罗蒂皮革厂”,成为了百万富翁。赵小薇(姚星彤 饰)是厂里新来的设计师,她对皮革设计的热衷和专注吸引了陈百一的注意,随着时间的推移,两人之间渐
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法国女留学生埃尔莎(刘亦菲 饰)在成都爱上了丝绸研究员、尺八高手马荣(黎明 饰),后又在巴黎与马荣的兄弟、纹身师建民(刘烨 饰)之间产生情感。前者找到了一种符合他理想的蚕——夜孔雀,后者把蝶化的夜孔雀
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It's the fall of 1985. The intertwining tales of three 5th grade friends, Chris, Joe and Ted, unfold
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1942年之夏,瓦斯柯夫准尉(彼得·费奥多罗夫 Pyotr Fyodorov 饰)带领两个班的女机枪手驻扎在一个靠近小车站的村子里一天,班长丽达(阿纳斯塔西娅·米库尔钦娜 Anastasia Mikulchina 饰)在不远的树林里发现了两个空降的德军计划要袭击苏联腹地的军事设施。瓦斯柯夫带领一支小分队去搜查敌军,成员包括丽萨(索菲娅·列别杰娃 Sofya Lebedeva cantonese infernal affairs Kristina Asmus 饰)、丽达、索妮娅(雅戈尼娅·库兹涅佐娃 Agniya Kuzne
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the boundless琪兰·席普卡 蒂莫西·柴勒梅德 the story of elites fighting wits and courage with evil forces such as underworld, drug trafficking, and smuggling groups. they each have their own expertise, have made great achievements, and have solved many cases. the female chief investigation director ye guiying (played by chen farong), and the smart, capable and experienced senior investigation director lian zhigang (zhang zhaohui 格兰特·鲍尔
有一户人家,他们世代隐居在由高墙和篱笆围起的一方天地里。与世隔绝的他们不论外界的时代如何更替,文明怎样进展,仍然固守着古老的生活方式,简朴、素雅、纯真。有时候,丰沛的阳光会穿过茂密的守护森林,毫无保留地照耀着每一棵古树、每              一寸厚土,也照耀着光影里两个精灵般嬉戏时而消失又突然显现的 少年。成长的路