The film takes place in Toulouse and tells the story of Jean, a 55 year-old policeman who discovers his son, Maxime, and his son's boyfriend hanged in a hotel room. The autopsy shows that he died from an overdose of GHB, just seven minutes
别名:Chacun sa nuit 皮埃尔和露西是从小一起长大的兄妹,象所有的年轻人一样,处在青春期的兄妹俩喜欢摇滚乐,还有四个整天和他们混在一起的同龄人。皮埃尔是个双性恋,突然有一天皮埃尔失踪了,露西和他们的母亲很担心,终于警察发现了皮埃尔的尸体,调查后证实皮埃尔是被人打死的,大家都无法想象是谁以什么样的方式杀了他。在探索皮埃尔神秘死亡和他的双性恋生活的过程中,皮埃尔的妹妹露西和他曾经的情人希望利用自己的魅力和身体来获取每个人嘴里的真相。渐渐地她们发现了皮埃尔被杀背后的恐怖真相
After the tremendous popular success of the Fantômas novels, both of the major French film studios — Pathé and Gaumont — vied for the rights to produce films based on the series. Gaumont won, and from April 1913 to May 1914 Louis Feuillade directed five