20年前,女子特雷西(Kt Fanelli 饰)被恶魔附身,当地教会组织了驱魔仪式,结果仪式失败,两名参与仪式的神父双双丧生,唯一的生还者,是当时担任摄像的特雷西的儿子。一晃眼二十年过去,布兰登(克里斯·迈纳 Chris Minor 饰)和同学克莱(Jake Brinn 饰)将这宗失败的驱魔事件选定成为了他们的课题作业,两人找到了当年的驱魔录像带,并且来到了特雷西的老家,决定在那里重启降灵仪式并且进行网络直播。最终,降灵仪式失败了,但是布兰登和克莱的所作所为引起了当地一个邪教组织的注意。之后,布兰登震惊
Emerson Graham's nights as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes from working a job to performing a quest as th
After suffering a career ending injury and family tragedy Wrestling Champ Buck Severs travels to an abandoned wildlife preserve with his friends for 'Bro's Weekend'. They become the targets of a deadly manhunt and &
What many are saying is the most disturbing film of 2018, Watch if you Dare revolves around a series of horrifying incidents. If you press play, look away ;)
在大雨瓢泼的星期五,帕克夫人(Kassie Wesley DePaiva 饰)突然身体不适,跌倒路旁的水坑中痛苦死去。该事件给她的家人以不小的打击,三个孩子伊莉丝(安拜·柴尔德斯 Ambyr Childers 饰)、萝丝(朱莉娅·加纳 Julia Garner 饰)和罗瑞(Jack Gore 饰)忧伤不已,男主人弗兰克(比尔·萨奇 Bill Sage 饰)却似乎格外震惊。在孩子们的眼里,爸爸是至高无上权力的象征,女孩们渴望像同龄人一样快乐自由成长,却无奈必须服从爸爸的命令。笼罩在淡淡悲伤中的帕克家,隐藏着
The party was supposed to start at 7:02 pm. It was election night 2008. The first African- American President of the United Stated was to be elected...but K.D, had other plans for the night...and the Devil had other plans for him. Over the course of the n