An unemployed man. The man has no money and ends up staying with his married older brother’s house. His sister-in-law feels sorry for him seeing only playing at home. A man who always watches his sister-in-law’s thoughts and actions. Then one day, he foun
Isadora Edison is coming home to suburbia. Her old boyfriend Nelson is banging every girl he can get his hands on. Now he’s shacking up with Isadora’s Aunt Cynthia, (Tina Tyler). This makes Nelson’s sister Judith rage with jealousy as she wants his lips
又名: Lust for love of a chinese courtesan,快活林名妓春姨(余安安) 自老鸨死后,继任主持妓院,暗中勾结官府,强抢良家妇女为娼;杀手小叶(张国柱)与春姨名为主仆,私丅里却是相互宽慰的xing伴侣。小叶虽然嗳慕春姨,但春姨只把祂当作自己赚钱发泄的工具。嗳奴(胡冠珍)被人贩子强行掠走,就地卖入了快活林;嗳奴受尽折磨,始終不屈,春姨冷眼旁观,暗暗佩服;愛奴终在一次投標大会中,惨遭官绅商贾轮奸,此后遍立誓要逃出快活林这个人间炼狱。